Hello Everyone!
Today has just been one of those days where you are terribly tired, and cranky...and so is your toddler. It seems that for the past few days, (or what seems as weeks) my little one has:
1. Been a picky eater, which she is not. She usually eats anything. I can only get raisins and fruit in her, and the occasional chicken nugget.
2. Screams at the top of her lungs for no reason, or when she doesn't get her way.
3. Runs away from me as soon as I walk towards her. (screaming)
4. Is obsessed with getting her hands on my ipad.
5. Doesn't want her diaper on.
6. Refuses to have anything to do with me unless its to breastfeed.
7. Will not go to bed at her normal time, or sleep in her own crib.
8. Destroys everything in her path.
9. Bites, hits, and scratches.
That was my rant.
lol Dr. Sears looks pretty creepy... :p