Monday, July 28, 2014

Mini Rant...Kinda

Today it has continued to rain and rain and rain. Which isn't a bad thing I guess, I've missed it.

I seriously wonder why in the world people act the way that they do. Its incredible to me how people can let their lives become so jumbled and insane.

How a person can just let their house and home become chaotic. How do you not know what items are in your home or how much clothing your kids have, or that there is literally clothes that are 2 or more sizes too small in everyone's dresser. Or 12 tubes of toothpaste and 100 rolls of toilet paper?

I understand people like to stock up, trust me, I do too. But if you are going to have so many items in your home, please put a little organization into it. And keep your main house clean. 

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I'm a neat freak or anything but when it becomes a bit like someone is hoarding just how? 

And on top of that, your not happy? You hate your home, you hate everything about it, but yet, you made it that way, and you are to lazy to fix it.

Andddddd, people are making excuses for you. And you are making excuses. No excuse why you can't give your family a nice, clean, organized home to make sweet sweet memories in!

Grrrrr. Mini Rant!  Sorry.

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